< 1 min read|01/05/2019
Indication-Based Pricing (IBP) Discussion Paper: Should drug prices differ by indication?
Increasingly, scientific advances are delivering new medicines that deliver improved survival and quality of life across multiple treatment indications. Indication-Based Pricing (IBP) has been proposed as a way to better link price with value. In this short Discussion Paper, we outline the major issues including the potential benefits of IBP, potential draw-backs, and considerations for implementation. We then ask for your views.
To submit your thoughts, please access the survey which accompanies the Discussion Paper or use the following link: https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/IBP_Consultation
Consultation closing date: Monday, 30 September 2019.
Increasingly, scientific advances are delivering new medicines that deliver improved survival and quality of life across multiple treatment indications. Indication-Based Pricing (IBP) has been proposed as a way to better link price with value. In this short Discussion Paper, we outline the major issues including the potential benefits of IBP, potential draw-backs, and considerations for implementation. We then ask for your views.
To submit your thoughts, please access the survey which accompanies the Discussion Paper or use the following link: https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/IBP_Consultation
Consultation closing date: Monday, 30 September 2019.
Increasingly, scientific advances are providing new medicines that provide improved survival and quality of life across multiple treatment indications. Indication-Based Pricing (IBP) has been proposed as a better value for money. In this short Discussion Paper, we outline the major issues including the potential benefits of IBP, potential draw-backs, and considerations for implementation. We then ask for your views.
The survey that accompanied this report is now closed. Results will be published shortly.
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Fixation du prix selon l’indication thérapeutique (FPIT). Le prix des médicaments devrait-il différer selon l’indication thérapeutique?
De plus en plus, la science à l’origine du développement des médicaments permettra améliorer la survie et qualité de vie dans plusieurs indications thérapeutiques. Aussi, il convient de rechercher de nouveaux mécanismes de rémunération répondant à cette situation. Un mécanisme permet au système de santé de fixer, pour un médicament, différents prix pour différentes indications thérapeutiques : c’est la fixation du prix selon l’indication thérapeutique (FPIT) qui permet lier le prix avec la valeur d’un médicament selon les différentes indications. Nous souhaiterions échanger et recueillir différents points de vue sur les avantages et inconvénients potentiels pour réfléchir sur la mise en œuvre du FPIT. Nous souhaiterions connaître votre propre point de vue.
L’ enquête est fermée. Les résultats seront bientôt publiés.
Indication-Based Pricing (IBP) Discussion Paper: Should drug prices differ by indication?
Cole, A., Towse, A. and Zamora, B.
(2019) Indication-Based Pricing (IBP) Discussion Paper: Should drug prices differ by indication?. OHE Briefing. Available from https://www.ohe.org/publications/indication-based-pricing-ibp-discussion-paper-should-drug-prices-differ-indication/