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Valuing EQ-5D-Y Health States Using a Discrete Choice Experiment: Do Adult and Adolescent Preferences Differ?
Can We Really Compare and Aggregate PRO Data Between People and Settings? Implications for Multi-Country Clinical Trials and HTA

Exploring Variations in the Opportunity Cost Cost-effectiveness Threshold by Clinical Area: Results from a Feasibility Study in England

Quality of Life in Long-term Cancer Survivors: Implications for Future Health Technology Assessments in Oncology

What is the Normative Basis for Selecting the Measure of ‘Average’ Preferences for Use in Social Choices?

Applying a Multi-criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) Approach to Elicit Stakeholders’ Preferences in Italy. The Case of Obinutuzumab for Rituximab-Refractory Indolent Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma (iNHL)

An Investigation of the Feasibility and Cultural Appropriateness of Stated Preference Methods to Generate EQ-5D-5L Values in the United Arab Emirates

Do Respondents Completing Abstract, Hypothetical Priority-setting Exercises Agree With the Policy Implications of Their Choices?