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The Case of Risperidone: Assessing the Life-cycle Value of Second-Generation Antipsychotics in Sweden and the UK

Documento de debate sobre la fijación de precios en función de la indicación (IBP) ¿Deben variar los precios de los medicamentos según la indicación?

Exploring Variations in the Opportunity Cost Cost-effectiveness Threshold by Clinical Area: Results from a Feasibility Study in England

Issues Surrounding the Estimation of the Opportunity Cost of Adopting a New Health Care Technology: Areas for Further Research

Routine Funding in the NHS in the UK of Medicines Authorised Between 2011 and 2016 via the European Centralised Procedure

Comparing Access to Orphan Medicinal Products (OMPs) in the United Kingdom and other European countries

The Value of Knowing and Knowing the Value: Improving the Health Technology Assessment of Complementary Diagnostics